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FoLlOw IfAn Yeeee....

*****IrFaN iS wAiTiNg******

Monday, May 31, 2010

SpOrT dAy At LiTtLe QaLiPh

This was when Ifan still schooling at Little Qaliph, Section 7..Close to umah Ifan. Everyday, Ibu sent Ifan to the school and Bibik gonna fetch Ifan. But, now Ifan not schooling here anymore. So, some memory ialah SPORT DAY...on AUGUST 16, 2008 when Ifan was 3 years 8 months.

We went for marching.
Before we went for marching, Ifan and friends gathered in the tent.
Teacher gave us food to eat before we went for marching.
There were four groups here, blue, green, yellow and red.
Ifan with teacher in Baju Melayu costume..

Ifan's group won for 'tiup gula dalam tepung'. Ifan got one medal..Ifan was so happy..
Tok Yayi, Nenek, Abang 'Imran, Kak Yayang, Ibu, Abah, and Abang Luqman also went to Ifan's Sport Day.
See... Ifan dapat medal...

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